TUFH 2022
Preconference Day Agenda
August 16, 2022
The Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee welcome everyone to participate in the Preconference day where you will reflect over the past 10 years and dream what the next 10 years could look like with a focus on 4 themes that have been identified from TUFH 2012 (see below).
Prior: Participants Individually and Collectively reflect on the past 10 years and the journey these 4 themes have taken (Discover)
09:00 – 10:30 Back casting, seeing what has worked (Discover)
11:00 – 12:30 Look towards the future. What are the Ideal 10-year Goals towards 2032? (Dream)
14:00 – 15:30 Look towards the future. What are the Practical 10-year Goals towards 2032? (Design)
16:00 – 17:30 Turning Goals into a Prioritized Action List – Clear actions that people can take home (Deliver)
TUFH 2022 Preconference Journey
At TUFH 2012 the Thunder Bay Communiqué was published. Reflecting on the goals that were set at TUFH 2012 we have identified 4 overarching themes that have undergone a journey in the last 10 years. We are seeking your help shaping this with us by bringing your perspective on the journey we are on together in improving global health equity.
During the last decade, some themes that were mentioned in Thunder Bay have come to the forefront, particularly empowering Indigenous peoples with proactive antiracism movements including Black Lives Matter, and empowering women/societal behaviour change including the Me-Too movement. Also during the decade: the UN adopted Sustainable Development Goals that are intended to be truly global and address many major issues through a comprehensive cross-sectoral approach; the global Climate Crisis has accelerated triggering regular extreme weather events with multiple health consequences; and the Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the world for everybody. Below is our initial attempt and starting a framework to see the impacts and evolution of the 2012 statement to where we are today in order to lay a foundation of a conversation on where we might want to be in 2032.
2012 – 2022 – 2032 Themes

Health workers, including the right mix of specialists and generalists, with the right skills, providing the right care, in the right place, at the right time to deliver high-quality health care that meets the health needs of the population. In relation to this theme, developments during the last decade included: the 2016 WHO Strategy Human Resources for Health 2030; the Remote Rural Workforce Stability Framework (2019); and the updated WHO Policy Guideline on health workforce development, attraction recruitment and retention in rural and remote areas (2021).

A facilitated career pathway approach that supports underserved and underrepresented populations “growing their own” health workforce beginning at high school level and flowing through targeted selection into health workforce undergraduate education in community and clinical settings that graduates are expected to serve, followed by training of graduates in context, and subsequent professional development and career opportunities in those settings. Developments for this theme since 2012 included: the 2013 WHO Guidelines Transforming and Scaling Up Health Professions Education and Training; expansion of immersive longitudinal integrated education with service learning/work integrated learning around the world; implementation of Rural Generalist Pathways following the Cairns Consensus on Rural Generalist Medicine (2014); the implementation in Canada of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) Rural Generalist Pathway (2020) and adoption of Social Accountability into the Accreditation standards for medical and other health workforce education in Canada (2016) and around the world.

Funding models that incentivise local comprehensive Primary Health Care (PHC) delivered by PHC teams of generalists supported by collaborative networks of specialist health services/hospitals that enhance people’s access to specialist services when they are needed. This theme was strengthened by the UN High Level Commission Health Employment and Economic Growth (2016); the 2018 Astana Declaration from the Global Conference on Primary Health Care; and the World Bank 2021 flagship report Walking the Talk: Reimagining Primary Health Care after Covid-19.

Active community participation through interdependent partnerships for mutual benefit in co-development and co-delivery of: health workforce attraction, recruitment and retention; education and training pathways and programs; and health service delivery. In recent years, strategies and tactics to implement genuine community engagement have been reflected in: the Community Engaged Medical Education movement led by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) in Canada and Flinders University Australia; the “start local” approach to health service delivery models, health system design framework and financing outlined in the 2020 World Bank Discussion Paper Reimagining Primary Healthcare Workforce in Rural and Underserved Settings; and the British Columbia intersectoral Pentagram Partnership Plus with Appreciative Inquiry and Deliberative Dialogue, as well as multilevel collaborations, approach that has brought about practical and positive change in rural and Indigenous communities.
We would welcome your addition to this initial outline of any areas you are aware of where there has been movement in these domains or other areas that you have seen a seed planted or watered in 2012 that has borne fruit. This will be used as a foundation for dialogue in the preconference of TUFH 2022, with the intent of shaping practical next steps (seeds that we might plant or water that we hope to see fruit in the future (2032)).
A special thanks to Roger Strasser; Bob Woollard; Ray Markham; Aricia De Kempeneer; and Daniel Harper for creating this initial draft.
For the Regional networks of TUFH, a highlighting of the unique perspectives and activities of each region will help showcase some of the healthy diversity of fruit being borne through our work together. This will be done by all participants in the 2022 Virtual Regional Conferences.
How to Register for the Preconferent Event
For those who are interested in attending the Preconference event on Monday, August, 15, 2022, please go to the registration page.
Come unite with global health leaders, capturing their passion, and an ongoing commitment for global equitable health. Join the Network: TUFH as an institutional or individual member.
Please contact us with any questions or inquiries and we will respond as soon as possible.